Load Time Click - using an Image File

This fraud method falls in to the "Load-time click" frauds category, where a "Click" on an invisible advertisement is generated, without the visitor's knowledge and intervention, and without the visitor of this page having clicked on any advertisement.
It uses an "" HTML tag where the "src=" image source parameter is set pointing to the Click-tracking URL, instead of pointing to a real image file on the server. The request will recieve a cookie from the tracking server, instead of an image, hence no image displayed. The browser stores the cookie on client computer. Subsequently, when the visitor makes a purchase at the advertisers e-commerce site, the cookie will identify the rogue affiliate as the source of the traffic, and the rogue affiliate will recieve the commission.

It is usefule for the tracking software to examine the "Referrer" field in the header, to ascertain the source of the click.

To examine, behind-the-scene action, you can open your browser using "developer tools" option of the browser, which usually can be navigated through menu, or activatd by pressing "F12" key. Reload the page, and on the network tab you can see the list of server calls to connex.net.nz and to the e-commerce server. Here you can check the content of the cookie, your unique ID, Cookie-lifespan etc. To observe the "dumping" of a new cookie, either you can deleted the previous cookies belonging to this site, or open this page in an "incognito" or "private browsing" window.

Travelling light in New Zealand

On my recent vist to New Zealand in December 2017, I spent 4 weeks travelling within the Northern part of North Island. After a few days of exploring the city of Auckland and its suburbs, on foot, by Ferry and the public buses, I decided to rent a car for my travel to Northland.